Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Team Member Permission Form

Battle of the Books
Parent Permission form

Battle of the Books is a motivational reading program that consists of reading books, practicing as a team and having a friendly “battle” of teams in the spring. To become a Battle of the Books participant, a student must have parent permission, and make a commitment to read at least 10 of the 12 books by April. Goals of the program are to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, to broaden reading interests, increase reading comprehension, and promote academic excellence.

Teams will start by reading books. Students may check out books from the library or may purchase books. Teams will form in November and practices start in December. Each team has 4-5 members and all must be in the same grade level. Each team will need a parent coach. Please consider volunteering to be a team coach! If we don’t have coaches, our teams can’t compete. Teams will then set up their own time once a week to work on practice questions, build team spirit and help each other become great readers.
Battles with other University teams will take place early in April and with other schools the last week in April.

Coaches are NOT responsible for reading the books, as practice questions will be distributed to teams. Teams will plan reading strategies to ensure that all books have been read within their teams (i.e. 3 students read each book.) When permission slips are returned and books are ready in the library, we will start checking books out to students.

If your child is interested in this program and has your consent, please fill out the form below and return to your classroom teacher by October 29th. If you have questions, please call Mrs. Budzynski at 506-7022 or email

My child _____________________________________ would like to make a commitment and has my permission to be a Battle of the Books participant during the 2010-2011 school year.

________________________ ________________________ _______________ ________
Student Signature Parent Signature Teacher Grade

Yes, I _________________________ would like to volunteer as a team coach for the Battle of the Books teams. (We will contact you again in November/December)

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