Friday, January 29, 2010

Battle Logistics

The spokesperson for every round can change so that all members get a chance if they want. If no one else wants to, it is okay to keep the same spokesperson throughout the battle.

The battle is just the accumulation of points, you just keep track of the number of points a team earns for a battle, and add that to all the other battles they have. At the end of all battles, the team with the most points is your winner. All teams must be given the same number of battles.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

University Battle Dates

Judges have been secured, rooms have been reserved and the battles have been scheduled. Mark your calendars for the dates below:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010: Third grade team battle
Wednesday, April 14, 2010: Fourth grade team battle
Thursday, April 15, 2010: Fifth grade team battle

All battles will be held in the University Schools Library starting at 3:30 p.m.

First and second place teams will move on to the district-wide battle at Jefferson elementary on April 27 (3rd/4th) and April 29 (5th.)

Good luck readers!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What are you doing with your teams?

What are you currently working on with your Battle of the Books teams?

Here are some great ideas I have heard so far:

1) Keep track of which person is reading which book
(ideally TWO kids will read each book, THREE reading each book is better, FOUR is amazing!)

2) Make flash cards and practice author names and book titles.

3) Make your team banner.

4) Make copies of story summary sheets for each time a student gets a new book. Have kids complete summary sheets as they read and then share with the team.

5) Have each individual keep a notebook with notes taken during reading, then share with your group.

Do you have other ideas? Email me ( suggestions and I will post them here!

Monday, January 11, 2010

T-Shirt Orders

We are ordering Battle t-shirts this week. Please have your order in to Mrs. B by Wednesday, January 13. If you need another order form, let library staff know!