Tuesday, December 15, 2009

More books are in the library!

We ordered more Battle of the Books books from An Open Book (Thank you USPTO!) and many of them are ready to be checked out in the library. Books check out for two weeks and lots of people are sharing a few books. Remind your team members to get books back to the library in a timely manner.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


If you did not receive an email from me, please email me at rbudzynski@universityschools.com so I can be sure to get updates to you. Also check this site for Battle updates that I will post as I receive them!

Mrs B.

P.S. Team rosters are being sent home with students today or tomorrow and have been posted outside the library.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Third Grade Teams are posted!

Stop by the library and see the third grade Battle of the Books teams! We are needing one more fourth grade coach and one more fifth grade coach. Let Mrs. B know if you are interested.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Teams are forming!

Coaches, look for team rosters to come home with your child Monday night! We still have kids who are signing up for Battle of the Books, but I will start preliminary team assignments today.

Also, we have books available for battlers to check out from the library with more coming in before break. Or, check with the public library for books and get started on your reading!